High Early Marriage Rate in Ternate, WVI Reluctant to Stay Silent

Based on the results of the PK and Family Data Update 2019, it was recorded that 9,349 people (33.7%) had early marriages (age <20) in Ternate City. This figure is quite large, even reaching half of the number of marriages aged over 20 years (66.23%). Seeing this phenomenon, WVI certainly cannot remain silent. Through collaboration with partners and the government, WVI Ternate Area Program initiated Perwali (Mayor Regulation) No. 2 of 2021 in Ternate City.
The regulation, which was launched in March 2021, will not run optimally without the support of the government and marriage registrar officials. So, right on Wednesday (15/09/2021), WVI conducted dissemination on preventing early marriage to practitioners of marriage registrar.
The marriage registrar was chosen to be the first target deemed necessary to implement the Perwali. This is because they are the ones who deal directly with the people who propose marriage proposals.
Through this socialization, it is hoped that marriage registrar officials can reduce the number of early marriages in Ternate City, especially the age of children (under 18 years), and realize Ternate as a Child-Friendly City.
Children should have a full life to the fullest and enjoy their time happily. Support more children in Indonesia free from child marriage at: www.wahanavisi.org/1000girls
Written by: Putri ianne Barus, Communications Officer of Wahana Visi Indonesia