Renovate Project in Biak Officially Closed

The Japanese Embassy in Indonesia and Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) today officially closed the “Elementary School Facility Renovation Project on Biak Island, Papua Province” / RENOVATE Project. This project contributes to providing child-friendly schools that support quality learning processes to increase student interest in learning through support for school renovations and workshops or outreach.
WVI, which is supported by the Japanese Embassy in Indonesia, is committed to contributing to advancing education in Indonesia through the integrated mentoring model "Child-Friendly Village" to improve education in WVI's target areas in Biak. This project has been implemented at the Inpres Korem Elementary School and Amparu Elementary School, Biak Numfor, Papua since 2018.
The RENOVATE project has given the following results:
• Completed school rehabilitation which included 50 meters of fence/wall work, 4 bathrooms, and 2 sets of sinks.
• Organizing a Workshop or Socialization of a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS) in collaboration with the Puskesmas involving 153 students and 22 school committees (including parents).
Based on the results of monitoring, the school and students feel that the school rehabilitation activities have answered the school's need to create safe, comfortable, and child-friendly school areas and buildings. In addition, the Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS) training is also very beneficial for all school residents.
“To overcome the problem of facilities, especially in the school building and toilets, through this project the Japanese Government provides funds of around 1.2 billion rupiahs in collaboration with Wahana Visi Indonesia through school renovations and seminars related to education. I am very happy to know that with this project we can contribute to providing a safe educational environment so that children can now study in a focused manner,” said Kenji Kanasugi, Ambassador of Japan to Indonesia.
"WVI's focus in Papua is on the education sector, including the protection of children's rights. Based on available data for children aged 1, 2, and 3 in elementary grades, grades 1, 2, and 3 in Papua, literacy rates are still lacking compared to other regions, so this is our focus on improving the quality of education, especially improving the quality of education. literacy skills in children. Good school facilities will support a good learning process as well, "explained Angelina Theodora, National Director of WVI.
The event was held at Amparu Elementary School and was attended by the Japanese Ambassador (Kenji Kanasugi), Deputy Regent of Biak Numfor (Calvin Mansnembra), Regional Secretary of Biak Regency (Zakharias Mailoa), Head of the Biak Numfor Regency Education Office (Yoel Marlen), National Director of WVI (Angelina Theodora), Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Hadi Tjahyono), Traditional Leaders, Community Leaders, students, and parents.