I put My Hope in Horticultural Agriculture

Yanti Sandiana (47), a mother of four children in Kupang Regency, NTT never thought that horticultural agriculture would provide a lot of hope in her life, including sending her four children to the highest level of education.
Yanti has been doing horticultural farming since she was little. This was the main job of Yanti's parents at that time.
"As a teenager, I started to grow vegetables. I usually plant mustard greens, spinach, and kale, the results I sell for snacks, buy books, and some I give to my mother to be saved so that every Christmas I have savings to buy new clothes," said Yanti.
According to her, horticultural agriculture also requires innovation and change to increase income. That's why she grows varied crops such as beans, tomatoes, and vegetables.
Yanti also feels grateful to be able to get assistance from the Inclusion project of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI), supported by Australian Aid. She and other horticultural farmers gained various knowledge related to horticultural agriculture and were introduced to companies that provide drip irrigation techniques. Yanti admitted that she had wanted the drip irrigation package and now it has become a reality.
"The biggest change is of course the lighter work, especially watering, then I will expand my horticultural land and I am increasingly confident that my four children will succeed in education through horticultural farming," she said optimistically.
Yanti's eldest son is currently continuing his studies at the Kupang Technical Academy. Yanti continues to be committed to bringing her three other children to pursue higher education after graduating high school.
“I hope that more and more women horticultural farmers in the village will follow what I have done today, which is modern farming … Once again, I thank WVI for opening our eyes as horticultural farmers in our village, and teaching us how to be farmers who always keep up with developments," she closed the conversation.
Written by: Ferdinand Bano, Staff of Inclusion Project Wahana Visi Indonesia