Improvement of Children’s Weigh in The Nutrition Post Class

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - Issues of children with BGM (Below the Red Line/ malnutrition child) status are still found in Sekadau District, West Kalimantan. Susi, a mother of a two-year-old baby (baduta) is one of several parents with nearly BGM status.
Weight of Angelo (9 months), son of Susi (18), is only 9.1 kg. Based on KMS (Health Status Card), the weight of Susi's baby is already included in the light green category and risks dropping to the red category. According to Susi, this condition was also experienced by a number of children at the posyandu (integrated health post). In fact, she added, there are children who are already in BGM status.
Dealing with this issue, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) Sekadau Program Area worked closely with the local Health Office to conduct training in Susi’s village. This training is a nutrition-related training that was first held in Sekadau District.
There were 8 cadres and PKK members participating in this training. After attending the training, the cadres also opened a Hearth class. About 12 parents and children participated in this class, including Susi and Angelo.
After 10 days of joining the Hearth class, the children then continue to be monitored for nutritional conditions for 3 months. Every child who gains a minimum weight of 900 grams will be declared passed the Hearth class. However, out of 12 participants, there were 6 children (P: 3, L: 3) who were declared to graduate in this class.
Susi was very enthusiastic about joining this class. During class, she claimed to get many things that could be learned, including cooking a predetermined menu.
"In this nutrition post-class, I am very happy because I learned to cook soup, cassava leaves, and fried noodles. Previously I could not cook, but here I study and I practice at home to feed my child," said the mother of a child.
Susi's husband is also very supportive of the activity. Her husband always encouraged her when cooking Angelo's favorite soup.
"From the three menus that we learned in the class, my child likes to eat the soup the most. Maybe because the sauce is more delicious to be eaten by children. At home, I usually cook soup twice a week. Even though in the Covid-19 pandemic, I still provide nutritious food to my child, and I am grateful for that," said the mother who also likes to play football.
In addition to telling the progress of the mothers and their children, Susi also hopes that the positive activities at the Nutrition Post class can be continued.
"After three months, my child's weight has gone up and I am happy that my child passed this class. I hope this class can be continued again because it is very useful for us to learn and children can also be healthier. In addition, hopefully, this pandemic can be finished soon, so we can go to the posyandu again normally and the children can see their growth," she hoped.
Written by: Herna Sinulingga, TP Health Coordinator of AP Sekadau Wahana Visi Indonesia