Jakarta Movement Aware of Waste at the 495th Anniversary of Jakarta

In celebrating the 495th anniversary of Jakarta, the Governor of DKI invited all elements of society to take part in the Jakarta Awareness of Waste Movement Week (PGJSS) which was held on 20-25 June 2022. This was a joint action carried out in 2,743 Community Units (RW) in DKI Jakarta. Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) through the Phinla project, as one of the collaborators, participated in encouraging the community in the 10 assisted RWs to follow this movement.
Franz Sinaga, Phinla's Project Manager said that achieving the target of reducing waste by 30% in Jakarta needs the collaboration of many parties. He told that PGJSS is a symbol of collaboration to solve Jakarta's waste problems.
"On the 495th anniversary of Jakarta, WVI hopes that with the collaboration of all parties, Jakarta can achieve targets related to waste management, especially reducing waste by 30% in 2025," explained Franz at the PGJSS Kick-Off event in Semper Barat Village, North Jakarta.
Head of the Public Relations Section of the DKI Jakarta LH Department, Yogi Ikhwan, also explained that PGJSS is an effort to raise public awareness of reducing waste from upstream in households through processing. In that way, the waste that must be disposed of at the Bantar Gebang Final Disposal Site (TPA) can be reduced.
WVI has assisted 10 Waste Banks in East Jakarta and North Jakarta and increased the capacity of the Waste Management Sector in 10 assisted RWs. WVI has also produced several collaboration products, such as the Waste Bank Training Module book, Pocket Book of Governor Regulation 77 on Waste Management at the Community Level, animated videos, and the Waste Management jingle. These products have also been handed over to the local government of DKI Jakarta. They are expected to contribute to the advancement of waste management in Jakarta, especially in changing behavior and involving the community.
Phinla project is a global waste management program implemented in 3 countries (Philippines, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka) supported by the government of Germany (BMZ) through Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) and Divers Clean Action from 2020 to 2022.
Written by: Staff of Phinla Project, Wahana Visi Indonesia