K3S Jayapura Regency Collaborates with WVI to Increase Teacher Capacity in Pandemic Situation

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - In order to increase the capacity of educators related to online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Principal Working Group (K3S) collaborated with Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) Area Program Sentani through training conducted in mid-August 2020. The training, which was attended by representatives from 8 schools, focused on mentoring and strengthening the capacity of school principals.
Head of the Jayapura Regency Education Office, Mr. Sarju S.Pd, said that he was grateful for the implementation of the training so that school principals could also strengthen other teaching staff in carrying out online learning.
"Principals need to continue to learn and improve their capacity as school principals so that they are able to carry out supervisory functions for teachers in their schools," explained Sarju.
Through this training, it is hoped that school principals will be able to better understand the vision and mission of their school, as well as direct teachers and students to achieve these visions and missions. Marthen Sambo, as WVI's Papua Zonal Education Specialist explained, by knowing the vision and mission of the school, it would be easy for educators to implement various teaching methods including online teaching.
The activity which lasted for one day focused on materials about introduction to distance learning methods using the Google Classroom application, introduction to learning using Android-based learning media, and laptops.
Written by: Putri ianne Barus, Communications Officer of Wahana Visi Indonesi