MORINGA Project Successfully Increases Income of Thousands of Farmers' Families in Indonesia

About 9,640 farmer households in the provinces of East Nusa Tenggara, Central Sulawesi, and North Maluku which were targeted by the MORINGA (More Income Generated for Poor Families in Indonesia) project of Wahana Visi Indonesia managed to experience an increase in net income of around IDR 7,000,542.
WVI Ministry Quality and Impact Director, Mitra Tobing said that 46 percent of them or more than 16,000 people are women farmers and 11 percent or nearly 4000 people are people with disabilities and 13 percent of them are families with 1,350 are poor households (income below 1 .25 dollars per day).
“Of the increasing families, it was recorded that 89 percent were able to provide sufficient food for their families, and 91 families were able to meet the costs of education and children's health. This shows how the increase in family income is also channeled for the benefit of the family and seeks to fulfill the needs or rights of children," said Mitra.
The MORINGA project is a five-year program of inclusive market system development (iMSD) which aims to increase the income of 4,000 farming households by 2022.
Moringa project was running from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2022 with support from the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP), and co-financing from World Vision Australia (WVA) with a US budget. $2.8 million.
MORINGA combines women's economic empowerment, disability inclusion, and environmental protection. MORINGA directly introduces farmers to financial management and gender equality through Gender Inclusive Financial Literacy Training, disability awareness raising through awareness training, and environmental awareness through the introduction of more environmentally responsible agriculture.
Based on the success of the project, WVI developed a follow-up program namely INCLUSION with the support of the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) and World Vision Australia (WVA).
The INCLUSION (Increasing the Leverage of iMSD Across Indonesia) program aims to increase the economic empowerment of small farmers and vulnerable households in Eastern Indonesia through the development of an inclusive Market System Development (iMSD). The program will be implemented in 2022-2027 in the provinces of East Nusa Tenggara, Central Sulawesi, and North Maluku.
The INCLUSION program seeks to reach more poor people, women, and people with disabilities to participate in agribusiness. In 2022, WVI will conduct a Market Assessment sensitive to gender equality, disability, and social inclusion as part of the program design process.
Written by: Arya Dwiputra, Media Relation Executive Wahana Visi Indonesia