WVI 25th Anniversary: Dedication for Children in Indonesia

Twenty-five years have passed since Wahana Visi Indonesia began its transformational development work. So many witnesses, including former sponsored child, communities, partners, donors, and staff, have supported WVI's ministry from 1998 until today. WVI has been able to overcome many challenges and learn valuable lessons because of the loyalty and trust of everyone, including you.
Thankfully, 25 years of WVI can be celebrated warmly and intimately on Thursday, November 16, 2023. This celebration is not only a moment to showcase WVI's work, but also a perfect time to appreciate sponsors or donors who contribute to the wellbeing of children in Indonesia. On the same occasion, WVI also appreciated the support of Hope Ambassadors, influencers, and medias who sincerely voiced the issue of children in Indonesia.
"The achievement that WVI most proud of for 25 years is the children who can experience a transformation in their lives. The former sponsored child who are now able to succeed and become agents of change for their surroundings matters most, and these continue to encourage us all this time," said Angelina Theodora, National Director of WVI.
At the highlight of the celebration, the Donors Appreciation Night, Mr. Trihadi Saptohadi revealed that WVI's "business" is the business of hope. Mr. Trihadi is a former national director of WVI, who also had a successful global career. "Children in poverty need hope. That's the only thing that can make them feel that there is a future. And every sponsor, every staff is with the children to be the bearer of that hope," said Mr. Trihadi.
He also explained that being a sponsor or donor is also a mutually transforming journey. In addition to taking part in bringing change to a child's life, a sponsor is actually being transformed. So the transformation will happen to both the child and the sponsor. This is what drives donors to continue to faithfully take part and support WVI until it reaches the age of 25.
WVI's 25th anniversary celebration is also a moment of reflection for WVI to maintain the values and answer all the challenges in achieving child wellbeing in Indonesia. The challenges are endless, but so are the hopes. Therefore, WVI is grateful for every support, loyalty, trust given by every party to be able to work for 25 years. And WVI also hopes that this ministry is inline with God’s puspose, reach out and transform the lives of children in remote areas, and support the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Let's continue this work together, with the determination that every child in Indonesia can live a healthy, safe, educated and well-protected life. Children can smile and feel how to live life to the fullest.
Author: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)