My Father is My Hero

#HiddenHero - Nobody wants difficult times, including the Covid-19 pandemic as it is today. Even so, without realizing it, there are always great people who help others through difficult times. They deserve to be called Hidden Heroes.
Intan, a child from Sekadau Regency found her Hidden Hero during the pandemic. This 5th-grade student revealed that Father was a Hidden Hero for him.
For Intan, his father has done a lot for the people in his village. Intan's father served as Covid-19 volunteer in the village and helped children and adults avoid Covid-19.
"Father helped them by trying to have a free cloth mask and a coronavirus prevention campaign. Thank you, Father," Intan said.
Not only Intan, but everyone also has their own Hidden Hero during the pandemic.
Then, who is your Hidden Hero?
Written by: Putri ianne Barus, Wahana Visi Indonesia's Communications Officer