New Facilities for Rumah Baca in Sentani

To increase reading interest and literacy levels in the Papua region, especially Sentani, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) uses the Wahana Literasi approach which is applied in each of the WVI Area Program Sentani assisted areas. WVI also assists libraries and Reading Houses in the Lake Sentani area.
The Yoboi Reading House is one of the four reading houses assisted by WVI in Sentani. Through the presence of this Reading House, every child in the Lake Sentani area can experience the excitement of learning and play together at Rumah Baca.
Bravo, a child from the Yoboi Reading House, said he was happy to have the opportunity to read at the reading house. Together with the tutor, Bravo and his friends can get to know more words, letters, and fun games.
There is also Akbar, a child who also likes to spend time at the Yoboi Reading House. Unfortunately, Akbar and his friends had to read on the floor because there were no tables and chairs there.
"We want to have facilities such as tables, chairs, and musical instruments," said Akbar.
Akbar, Bravo, and the children at the Yoboi Reading House and other Reading Houses in Sentani will feel happy if someone supports their wishes. Through the #ShareJoy campaign, you can also support them through donations for books, furniture, and building needs for Rumah Baca in Sentani.
Click for donation:
Written by: Putri ianne Barus, Communications Officer Wahana Visi Indonesia