Parenting with Love Breaks the Chain of Violence in The Family

#ParentingWithLove - Sripina Herlina (36), a member of the congregation at Stasi St. Petrus Pakeng who is also a resident of Bhakti Mulya Village, Bengkayang Regency, which is one of the villages assisted by Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) Bengkayang Program Area. Since the end of December 2019, Sripina has been part of a series of Parenting with Love (Pengasuhan dengan Cinta/PDC) training initiatives initiated by WVI in her village. Sripina took part as a facilitator whose job was to facilitate PDC training for the community and other congregations in the village.
PDC is a positive parenting method for families to reduce the number of violence against children. In this project, WVI works closely with the church to train parents in implementing positive parenting and supporting the Towards a Child-Friendly Church program, in the context of fulfilling children's rights.
So far WVI is partnering with 13 churches in the Bengkayang Regency to introduce and expand the scope of the PDC program. As many as 22 people from the 13 churches have been trained to become PDC facilitators and have the task of holding similar training for their congregations in their respective churches. One of the 13 churches is the church where Sripina worship, namely Stasi St. Petrus in Pakeng.
Together with another PDC facilitator in the same church, Sripina has succeeded in carrying out the PDC series by involving 15 female participants. Although from her observations only 10-12 people were active at the meeting each week, Sripina was confident that 10 trained people would be able to double the impact later.
"What I saw greatly changed was my close neighbor, so I know very well the nature of her and her husband to their children. She used to yell at her children and her husband often snapped at his children. Now this has begun to change, I have rarely heard her and her husband screaming and angry at her child, she also often reprimanded her husband if he was angry with her child. She said: I joined the PDC class so I already knew the information of the students' students so don't be angry with the children because later the children would also like to get angry with us or with their friends, " she said imitating what he heard.
Seeing this result, Sripina felt that her efforts as a facilitator had paid off. For him, the PDC program was also effective in breaking the chain of violence against children in the family.
Written by: Yan, CESP Bengkayang Program Coordinator, Wahana Visi Indonesia