Reconciliation with the Past as Solutions of Parenting with Love

#ParentingwithLove - Everyone has their own past. Some are fun, but not a few are painful. However, when someone was able to make peace with this painful situation, life would be more filled with love. This has been experienced by Novita Angie, a radio announcer, MC, and one of the Indonesian public figures.
Angie admits that she has gone through a series of unpleasant life events. Coming from the broken home family made her live in inconsistent parenting patterns.
“I come from a divorced family. My childhood moved frequently to where my mother and father places... I was raised strictly. All baby boomers generation parents usually have strict parenting styles,” said mother of two.
Despite having a bitter past, Angie admits that she can live and grow up to become a person without past anger. Angie's inner pain did not necessarily make her rebel but instead determined her to have a better family.
"I was determined that when I was married, I had to find a partner who could understand my condition. I promised myself that when I have children, especially daughters, I will try to be ideal and not be a perfect mother," she added.
For Angie, being the perfect parent is hard to do. However, by being the ideal parent, she can become a friend and best friend to her two children. Instill moral values, ethics, and guide the lives of children.
Open communication, added Angie, is the key to being able to let go of the unpleasant past. Her experience proves that by communicating, all burdens that have been haunting her mind have been resolved properly. Including when raising their children. Until today, a two-way communication style is still the key to parenting for Angie and her husband.
"We find out what the child wants. We (parents) also need to teach children the language of love of their parents," she said.
A woman who has been married for 19 years, explained that by knowing the love language between parents and children, harmonious family relationships can be created well. By providing the right language of love, the love tank in the family will continue to be filled.
Now, Angie and her husband continue to practice two-way communication with their children. She and her partner even agreed to receive constructive input and criticism from their children. In that way, children can still feel comfortable in the middle of their closest family.
"Children never choose who to be their parents, but parents can choose what kind of parent to be to our children," she concluded.
Written by: Putri ianne Barus, Communications Officer of Wahana Visi Indonesia