Serve for Children's Brilliant Future

Susi Apriani is a female figure who is active in Tanah Kali Kedinding Village. She comes from RW 12 which is not the assisted area of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) Surabaya Area Program. However, Susi's role as coordinator of Tanah Kali Kedinding sub-district cadres should be appreciated, especially in handling stunting cases and assisting children in her area. Her dream can even help children to achieve a bright future.
Susi has various experiences in assisting children. Her high social spirit makes her devote time, energy and thought to serving the community and children in Tanah Kali Kedinding Village. No wonder people know Susi as a smart and friendly person.
Susi also provides a place for children around her house to study under free guidance. Many elementary school children came to study at her house and Susi volunteered to teach them too. She also did the same thing for WVI-assisted children through MIBA activities. Susi is willing to help teach science, mathematics, and English to the representatives of WVI children in grades 3-6 of elementary school.
“I want to really help without having to be rewarded. It will make my heart uneasy because it is contrary to what I have been doing,” said Susi.
Even though she is not a community member of WVI-assisted areas, Susi is always diligent in attending invitations held by WVI. One of them is the PPA (Protection of Women and Children) Task Force training activities and PDC (Parenting With Love) training.
After three PPATask Force training meetings, Susi is getting better at criticizing problems that occur in the community related to violence. One of the cases that recently occurred was the problem of juvenile delinquency which made the residents in the vicinity of Tanah Kali Kedinding less anxious. Susi actively discusses and coordinates with the Head of RT, Head of RW, and Babinkamtipmas (People's Security and Order Supervising Officer) to reprimand and provide direction to the youths.
“Thank you WVI for facilitating the PPA Task Force Training, which used to be the PPA Task Force but it didn't work. Now it's active. I am very impressed with the activities with WVI, whose movement is extraordinary in helping and responding to problems that exist in the community," said Susi.
Written by: Staff of Area Program Surabaya Wahana Visi Indonesia