Strengthening Child Protection WVI Signs Agreement with Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection

Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) and the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (Ministry of PPPA) today signed a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) to strengthen collaboration between the two parties in promoting child protection in Indonesia.
The signing ceremony was attended by the National Director of WVI, Angelina Theodora, and the Secretary of the Ministry of PPPA, Pribudiarta Nur Sitepu in the RA Kartini Room, Office of the Ministry of PPPA, Central Jakarta.
“This is a strategic partnership because we want to jointly ensure that Indonesia in the future is an Indonesia that is Child-friendly. Based on data, the proportion of children aged 0-17 years in Indonesia is around 79.7 million children, or 29.5 percent of the total population. Therefore, we welcome the extension of this cooperation," said the Secretary of the PPPA Ministry, Pribudiarta Nur Sitepu.
Pribudiarta explained that the cooperation agreement with WVI is expected to complete President Joko Widodo's directives regarding child protection, namely reducing violence against children, reducing child labor, and preventing child marriage.
"This partnership is very important for WVI in realizing our vision for every child to experience life to the fullest," said Angel. “We thank and give our greatest appreciation to KemenPPPA who continues to open up opportunities to work together and synergize. We hope that in the future the partnership with KemenPPPA will continue to run well to support the achievement of a better life for Indonesian children," said WVI National Director Angelina Theodora.
Angelina added that the joint agreement between KemenPPPA and WVI which was signed in 2019 has resulted in several things, namely the preparation of a child protection protocol during the pandemic; Community-Based Integrated Child Protection (PATBM) guidelines during a pandemic; advocating the use of the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) for the protection of women and children; as well as contributing to the writing of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for child abuse program services.
The scope of the PKS which is numbered 01/MOA/WVI-KPPPA/VI/2022 covers the WVI program area in the field of policy strengthening and implementation at the national and regional levels related to the realization of KLA in the WVI program area, developing and strengthening the role of local governments, KLA facilitators, as well as local village assistants and village officials, and village apparatus assistance for the implementation of Child-Friendly Villages as supporters of the Women Friendly Village program.
Valid for a period of 3 (three) years, this PKS synergizes the programs of the two parties in order to increase the participation and implementation of child protection in the WVI program area, particularly related to strengthening the implementation of the Child-Friendly Regency/City program (KLA). This cooperation agreement is an extension of the collective agreement that was signed in April 2019.
Written by: Arya Dwiputra, Media Relations Executive, Wahana Visi Indonesia