Support for Children's Education During the Pandemic in Biak

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - The Covid-19 pandemic that is happening in the world has actually reached Biak Numfor Regency, Papua. As of September 2020, about 290 people have tested positive for Covid-19 and 5 people have died in Biak Numfor Regency. This condition has an impact on the anxiety that arises so that the Covid-19 local coordination decides to stop the teaching and learning process at school.
Not all are ready to face this condition. Both children, parents, and even the Education Office are also trying to adapt to this situation. Boki, one of them. This elementary school student in North Biak also shared his feelings regarding the conditions of learning from home that she had been doing in recent months.
"I am saddened by this condition. Then, there is also a sense of boredom because we don't hang out with friends. Also in our place, there are no internet and radio broadcasts. We really need learning materials (to) support learning activities at home," Boki confided.
Currently, the Biak Numfor District Education Office has zoned the education area into four zone categories. The area of living of Boki is claimed as Zone 3 where there is no internet and radio signal.
This zone is different from zones 1-2 which are categorized as being able to learn offline.
What Boki's longing is also the desire of other children in the Biak Regency. Seeing these worries, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) took action steps by distributing learning media tools such as the distribution of “Fun Learning at Home Modules”, writing books, writing equipment, and whiteboards.
Natalia, a student who received the aid, felt deep joy.
"Thank you very much," he said with a beaming face.
Not only the students who were happy to receive the assistance, Obet Wamaer, one of the parents who received a mini whiteboard also expressed his happiness.
"This is very appropriate because he (child) can learn to their heart's content with the whiteboard. The provision of learning media also supports the existence of a learning corner/reading corner at home that has been conveyed to parents before the pandemic. First, we prioritize child safety. That is why we support safe learning facilities at home where parents can practice the learning mentoring parenting style that was conveyed some time ago, "said Jhon, a WVI staff member in Biak.
In order to support the safe education process in Biak Numfor District, WVI was also involved in the team making the “Fun Learning Module at Home” with the Education Office. At least 165 elementary schools and 56 junior high schools in Biak Regency have benefited from the development of this module.
In order to ensure that the use of this module can be implemented properly, together with the Education Office, WVI also facilitates meetings with all primary and junior high school principals which are held per district (sub-district). Meetings with school principals are also to ensure schools comply with Covid-19 protocols, including socialization of the introduction of the dangers of Covid-19.
"The cooperation of the Biak Numfor Regency government in partnership with WVI is carried out in the context of learning during the pandemic period, also carried out in conjunction with the dissemination of Regent Regulation No. 85 of 2020, concerning Covid-19 Control and Prevention Efforts. That we do gradual face-to-face learning by paying attention to health protocols. So the collaboration with WVI is very useful, where we evaluate the first module learning and also socialize the second module which we started in West Biak District," explained Yoel Maryen, Temporary Head of the Biak Numfor Regency Office.
He added that teachers are also expected to support learning through modules that have been distributed. Parents are also encouraged to be able to accompany their children at home in an effort to fulfill children's
The assistance provided to children in Biak is the result of donations provided by the Indonesian people through the 'Worship from Home' event which was held in July 2020 with Sidney Mohede.
Written by: Jhon Eris Purba, Area Program Manager for Biak Wahana Visi Indonesia