The Church Moves, Improves, and Plays a Role to Protect Children

It is time for the Church to pay attention and move towards social issues and problems that are happening in the surrounding neighborhood. It is time for the Church to improve, optimize its functions, not only pay attention to the spirituality of the people but also play a role in providing protection for children. The church as a public space must also be able to become a safe place for children to grow and develop, also gather to do positive and creative activities. In addition, the Church can also be a reference for parents regarding positive parenting.
"Child Friendly Church" is the ultimate goal of the Church profile mentioned above. One of the churches in the WVI operational area in Kubu Raya District is in the process of achieving this goal. "I am concerned about the condition of children in the church. Especially with stories that children often get violence in their homes. So with the assistance from WVI, I am determined to make our Church a Child Friendly Church. Our congregation can also understand positive parenting properly. So we are moving with small steps," said Pastor Tono, the leader of the Church.
In fact, these small steps benefited and became fruitful for the church congregation. After Pastor Tono and his wife were trained on child protection, Parenting with Love, and Parents Support Group, he can be an example for his congregation who plays the role of a father.
With new insights about the three things above and with a small amount of church funds, Pastor Tono facilitated a Parenting with Love training for his congregation. Of the 17 participants who attended, three of them were fathers. Although the proportion of fathers and mothers is still unbalanced, the presence of these three fathers is worth celebrating. This training was the first time fathers actively and enthusiastically participated in learning about parenting. Fighting patriarchal views that compartmentalize the roles of fathers and mothers is not an easy thing to do in the villages in Kubu Raya. Therefore, a breakthrough occurred when these fathers wanted to better understand and be directly involved in childcare. As a result, children will feel the love and attention that is intact in the family.
"We are taught to take care of our children with love. Without having to yell, hit, get emotional. It turns out there is a way. Even with the language of love, we can discipline our children," said Sunaryo, a father who participated in the PDC training.
In addition to transforming the parents who are members of the congregation, the Church also created an official umbrella that strengthens the spirit of realizing a Child Friendly Church. The Church issued a Decree of the Child Friendly Church Task Force, made a declaration to the entire congregation after the Sunday church service, made a Church name sign that added information on child-friendly commitments, and made child protection communication materials posted on the church walls. Some congregations have also received PDC training facilitated by Pastor Tono and his wife.
Author: David Pandapotan (Manager in WVI operational office for Kubu Raya area)
Editor: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)