The Fruitful Mentoring Brings the Children's Forum goes to Musrenbang

Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) assistance to children is not limited to only paying attention to children's welfare, but also helping children participate in expressing their voices. One of them occurred in Padang Serasan Village in the South Bengkulu Program Area. Assistance in village children's forums (FAD) in this area brings children to be able to speak up to the village Musrenbang (Development Planning Forum).
This is the first time for FAD Padang Serasan members to be able to convey their aspirations and voices at the village Musrenbang. Every member of FAD enthusiastically welcomed this opportunity, because previously the children had never been involved in village deliberations which were predominantly attended by villagers.
To support the Musrenbang, FAD members even held several meetings to explore ideas about the needs and concerns of the children in the village.
In January 2022, two FAD representatives had the opportunity to appear in public and explain several proposals such as the provision of children's sports facilities, procurement of Koran teachers, procurement of dance studios, provision of tutoring, and implementation of socialization of child protection to children and parents to prevent violence against children.
The chairman of BPD Padang Serasan responded directly to the voice from FAD and received a positive response from him. Children in the village will get sports facilities in the form of a mini stadium in Padang Serasan Village.
The representative of the child who spoke that day said that he was nervous but thanks to the assistance and training provided by WVI, he became more confident.
"We hope WVI can accompany us so that we are confident to speak in public and the children's forum in our village is more active," he said.
Written by: Muhammad S, Staff of Area Program South Bengkulu Wahana Visi Indonesia