The Green Guardian: A Young Boy's Fight for Sustainability

In the bustling city of Surabaya, Indonesia, a young third-grader named Dewangkara is taking on the mantle of environmental issue, earning him the well-deserved title of "Young Environmental Ambassador". With a youthful face and hands that move with practiced ease, Dewangkara transforms various plants into thriving additions to his neighborhood. His eyes sparkle with a passion for the environment, a passion that has earned him recognition and inspired those around him.
At the young age of 10, Dewangkara became a finalist in the "Pangeran Lingkungan" (Environmental Ambassador) competition, an initiative organized by the non-profit organization, Tunas Hijau. This program aims to empower young generations to actively participate in preserving their surroundings. Dewangkara, not only a finalist but also an ambassador of environmental consciousness, spreads his enthusiasm to his peers, both at school and in the wider community.
"My duty as a Pangeran Lingkungan is to consistently uphold the cleanliness and sustainability of the environment," Dewangkara explains. "This includes sorting waste at home, conserving electricity and water, and promoting greenery wherever I go."
Dewangkara's journey as an environmental advocate began with his mother's habit of involving him in planting and gardening activities in their backyard. From that moment on, Dewangkara developed a deep-rooted passion for cultivating plants. This passion aligned perfectly with the project he chose for the 2023 Pangeran Lingkungan sub-theme: Japanese Jasmine Cultivation.
Beyond his active involvement in plant cultivation, Dewangkara also participates in various other environmental conservation initiatives. "The key is consistency," he emphasizes. "We can't be lazy. Every week, I join beach cleaning activities organized by the Surabaya City Environmental Services Agency (DLH) and my friends from Tunas Hijau."
During his tenure as the Pangeran Lingkungan, Dewangkara has gained valuable knowledge in topics such as organic and non-organic waste management and converting waste into electricity. He has also gained insights into the intricate connection between environmental preservation and the consequences of neglecting our planet.
Dewangkara attributes his unwavering commitment to environmental issues to his involvement in the Spiritual Nurture Children (SNC) program. SNC is an initiative facilitated by WVI, operating in the Simokerto area. During one of the SNC sessions he attended, the topic of "Self-Concept" was discussed. This discussion emphasized the importance for each child to develop self-belief, confidence, and consistency in order to achieve a well-structured future. This session gave Dewangkara an understanding that consistency and belief in his actions would lead to positive outcomes in the future.
Dewangkara doesn't forget to share a message with his fellow youth, urging them to continue spreading good habits for environmental sustainability and consistently act for the future to ensure a thriving planet. "Greetings to a sustainable Earth! The Environmental Princes and Princesses of 2023 must be productive, caring, and anti-laziness," he concludes.
Author: Muhammad Nur Rouf (WVI Area Programme Simokerto team member)
Editor: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)