The Local Government Provides Permanent Building for Children in Pengembuk Subvillage

#LombokBangkitKembali – Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) collaborates with IKEA Indonesia in making Children Playing Center (CPC) and School of Early Childhood Care and Development (PAUD) of Ceria II in Pengembuk Subvillage, Sokong Village, North Lombok Regency. About six months after the inauguration of PAUD Ceria II the children can use new permanent classrooms that have been given by the local government of North Lombok Regency.
The idea of the permanent classrooms was thrown by the local government of North Lombok Regency. With a budget of IDR 200 million, the local government built the classrooms. On the 3rd of January 2020, the classrooms can be used for learning activity.
The construction of classrooms lasted for 2 months, which began in mid-November 2019 until mid-January 2020. Right on the 3rd week of January 2020 classrooms began to be used for teaching and learning.
The teachers, children and also student’s parents are happy to see that the construction completed. This can be seen from their cheerful faces. Various teaching and learning activities can now be done more optimally in new classrooms.
“The children are really happy to have new and wider classrooms so that they can learn and play more flexible. As a head of management of PAUD Ceria II I also grateful to have this and would like to thank you for all donors, especially for WVI who have given much supports to us. Thank you WVI, and also thank you for IKEA Indonesia,” said Juarto, head of management of PAUD Ceria II.
Until today, WVI is still running the program to support the development of CPC and PAUD Ceria II. Nehemia Ahalamani, Child Protection in Emergency Wahana Visi Indonesia said that WVI has made child groups in Pengembuk Subvillage, do the training and simulation of Safe School as a disaster risk reduction program. WVI is also still giving the training to increase the capacity of all teachers in the Tanjung District.
Written by: Zara Fitria, Accountability Officer Lombok Earthquake Emergency Response Wahana Visi Indonesia