The Water of Life

Mr. Yere Manao (70) – better known as Ama Linus Manao – is a community leader in Eho Orahili Village with 5 children. At that time, he was sitting on the terrace of his house accompanied by a cup of coffee. "Ya'ahowu, Grandpa!" we greeted him, to which he replied with his typical smile. "Let’s come in, try our coffee, and relax for a moment!” he said. We sat on the bench beside him.
The ASCA for WASH Project has given new and positive hope for the local community and the government of Eho Orahili Village who previously had limited access to clean water during the dry season.
“Actually the water was still available during the dry season, so we did not really lack it. The problem was that we had to go a little further to take it. There had been water pipes here, but they did not serve all places. As a result, many people protested about the situation. Some even did not want to continue taking care of the existing facilities. It eventually led to water difficulties during the dry season", he said while reminiscing about the past.
The existence of frictions in the community is the main source of problems in this village. The frictions caused by the thick of political nuances at the head of village and district level elections. This causes friction in the community and has an impact on all aspects of village development activities and processes. Everything that the elected village government does is wrong in the eyes of some people, and sadly this person affect other communities so that the village government is pessimistic in carrying out development movements in its territory.
"Lona fahasara dodo ba mbanua”, said Ama Linus Manao in the local language while patting his right hand on his forehead. It means: “There is no longer a sense of unity in our village”.
The partnership with Wahana Visi Indonesia adds a new problem within the village government. The implementation of the Clean Water Program is in community-based, which means that there will be self-help from the community. Development activities are carried out by mutual cooperation and the community will not receive wages or incentives. The financial condition of the community is currently difficult, while village government funds are also not available because they have not been previously budgeted. In response to this condition, the Village Government together with WVI conducted socialization and several village meetings with leaders and the community to discuss this development process. Finally, the community agreed to do mutual assistance once a week, taking turns, and arranged by the leaders in determining their turn to participate in the construction of clean water facilities in Eho village until the construction was completed.
With a local warrior spirit and in the public interest, Ama Linus Manao together with village leaders and government, always provide approachment, explanations and motivations to the community about the importance of togetherness and mutual help. Because this is the characteristic and spirit that has existed in their village, long before they were born.
Because of the prayers and hard work and cooperation of the village community, finally the construction of clean water facilities in Eho Village can go well and the joy of the community is clearly visible when they enjoy the results of their work. The children are happy because they don't have to fetch water far from their house and when they come home from playing, the children can wash their feet and hands at the water taps in front of their houses.
Our conversation continued while enjoying the coffee served at that time. The day was very bright and full of laughter. While smiling, Ama Linus Manao said, “Praise God, finally a sense of caring for the common good has now blossomed again in our community. The wounds caused by political nuances are getting better. This is all because it is united by a clean water need. The motto is true indeed, Water is the Source of Life. On behalf of the people of Eho Orahili village, I would like to thank WVI for the support and all effort for this clean water facility. Our dream has been coming true, our children are smiling happily. Even now we have often mutual assistance in this village. We can only pray, 'May God always bless all WVI activities',". A sincere greeting from a community leader, made our tiredness immediately disappear at once.
"I have to excuse myself now. I need to buy a water hose for a while, to connect the water to the pigsty in the back, so it doesn't smell bad," he said. We shook hands and said goodbye each other.