Work with your heart, ready to reap in the future

“We can do no great things, only small things with great love” (Mother Teresa).
This quote is a suitable saying for Ani Susanti (29), a cadre in one of the assisted villages of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) in the Melawi Sintang Area Program. Ani is one of the cadres who actively provides counseling about Infant and Young Child Feeding and the importance of exclusive breastfeeding. Ani does her job to accompany parents and children with all her heart.
Ani has been a cadre for three years. During those three years, Ani received a lot of training provided by WVI. One of them is about Posyandu Management, especially the counseling section. She admitted that by the training she got she was able to provide a lot of new knowledge to mothers, especially regarding breastfeeding.
"Previously, they didn't know about latch on breastfeeding. They complained that when doing breastfeeding their nipples often hurt, but now they understand proper latching," said Ani.
In the present time, mothers in the villages also know about the ideal amount of breast milk for their children and they even know the benefits of breastfeeding for their babies. According to her, through the assistance she provides at the posyandu, the mothers now understand the right dose of breast milk for children aged six months and over. Parents know how to balance nutrition both from texture and variety for children.
Currently, Ani is entrusted to be a Community Empowerment Cadre in her village. It's not just an ordinary job, but Ani wants her village to become a developed and independent village. She even wants children to be smart and not left behind.
Not only for many people, Ani personally admits that her knowledge is very developed, and she can learn how to raise good children without violence. In addition, she also understands that the long-term goal of what she does is to prevent stunting in children.
She hopes that children's rights will be fulfilled and become a smart generation, besides that she hopes that the process at the posyandu can run well and be more advanced, especially in monitoring children's growth and development through the mPosyandu application.
"I hope the little things she/he does can help other people too, not with the material but with the knowledge and experience that I provide," she concluded.
Written by: Staff of Melawi Sintang Area Program Wahana Visi Indonesia