Continuously Learning and Practicing for the love of Students

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - During the pandemic, Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) activities in Pong Murung Village, Manggarai Regency, were neglected. Elisabet Abus, an ECCD tutor is concerned about the fate of her students. Through the training she had received from Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) during the pandemic, Elisabet was able to move to embrace PAUD children to learn from home.
"I would like to thank WVI who has helped us during this pandemic to keep learning, especially about the PAUD curriculum activities that we have been participating in so far," she said.
Elisabet started joining the WVI training since February 2020. Even though she is classified as a new tutor, she is always enthusiastic about participating in the training. Through the training she received, she admitted that she had many new things that she could learn. Elisabet is even more enthusiastic about accompanying her students.
"I am happy, although the material provided is only through online meetings, we can apply it to our children, even though our learning activities are carried out through home visits," she added.
Elisabet is also one of the tutors who regularly consults with PAUD consultants. She is always swift in completing assignments and has a high enthusiasm for learning. In some of the tasks she has done, she always shows good quality and there are always changes from time to time.
"Previously, I thought that teaching ECCD was only about singing and playing. There are so many things to pay attention to and I am interested in that," she explained enthusiastically.
Elisabet and other tutors who initially only used teaching materials by following the idea of ??tutors, after participating in the training of WVI are now starting to change activities and learning patterns.
"We have been able to make processes, RPPM, and RPPH, and we also learn to provide lessons to children by following the RPPH that we have learned during the training. Thank you WVI for giving us valuable knowledge," she concluded.
Written by: Staff of Manggarai Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia