Distribution of Protein Packages to Supports Toddler Nutrition

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - Did you know that the problem of infant malnutrition still continues to occur in our country? This condition continues to be our concern as an organization.
One condition of undernutrition occurs in our service area in Southwest Sumba (SBD). There are 200 children in 5 villages in the WVI service area experiencing malnutrition, due to the limited availability of animal protein in the region.
Through the Covid-19 Pandemic Emergency Response (COPE), WVI SBD Program Area continues to pay attention to the condition of these toddlers. WVI distributed protein packages to 200 families of undernourished children under five in 5 villages: Kenduwela Village, Mangganipi Village, Chef Village, Homba Rica Village, and Ate Dalo Village.
WVI is still doing the distribution program until September 2020. Furthermore, WVI plans to distribute rice and eggs to 657 households and the distribution of eggs to 350 other households.
In addition to distributing food needs packages, WVI also continues to distribute PPE and masks to several puskesmas (public health service) in SBD, as well as distributing handwashing facilities with soap to the community.
WVI still continues to open donations for those of you who want to contribute to helping the community and medical workers affected by Covid-19 spread throughout Indonesia.
Donations can be made here.
Written by: Putri ianne Barus, Wahana Visi Indonesia's Communications Officer