Early Disaster Preparedness

The beauty of the city of Ternate, of course, is no longer in doubt. Unfortunately, this city is very vulnerable to disasters, especially volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. This makes the community; both children and adults must always be ready to face all kinds of disaster threats that will occur at any time.
As a form of support in dealing with emergencies caused by natural and non-natural factors, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) with the support of the European Union through the I-COPE (Indonesia Covid-19 Pandemic Emergency Response) project, conducted socialization of disaster preparedness to children in Ternate City area. This outreach is in collaboration with local partners Daur Mala and Fuel Pertamina Jambula.
WVI distributed 50 pocketbooks related to natural and non-natural disasters (Covid-19 pandemic) in schools in Ternate City. They also received disaster awareness socialization delivered by I-COPE project staff and partners. This is done so that children can know about various disaster threats and how to mitigate them.
Mulq (11), a student who received the presentation explained that he had gained new knowledge related to disasters.
The WVI I-COPE project is carried out in three major areas: the North Maluku region, the Surabaya area, and the East Nusa Tenggara region. The project, which runs for 24 months, aims to increase efforts to prevent the transmission of Covid-19, assist in sustainable economic recovery through micro-economic initiatives and cash voucher programs for affected communities, increase community access to social security, and provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for medical personnel.
Written by: Herlan Pembu, Staff of Daur Mala Mitra Wahana Visi Indonesia
Translated by: Aqueta Alexandra Kroons, Intern Wahana Visi Indonesia
*This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Wahana Visi Indonesia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.