Easy to Make, Easy to Access

"Finally, after attending the Nutrition Post, Sabita's weight increased by 1.32 kg after 10 days. Initially, she only weighed 10 kg during the first weighing, and this weight gain is the highest since she was born," said Evie (27 years old), Sabita's mother, smiling.
Evie is one of the parents participating in the Nutrition Post who consistently prepares food using inexpensive and easily available ingredients, but which are still nutrient-dense. The Nutrition Post is an activity aimed at handling children with underweight problems. The Nutrition Post activity carried out in Simokerto is facilitated by Wahana Visi Indonesia together with Amertha Kasih (Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya). In its implementation, WVI together with Amertha Kasih, in collaboration with Nutritionists at the Community Health Center, created Nutrition Post menus entitled "Catch Up Growth Menu".
All the food ingredients in the Catch Up Growth Menu are easily obtained and inexpensive so that they can be cooked every day by the parents of the Nutrition Post participants. The processing is also simple, for example, chicken soto, chicken croquettes, fried catfish and vegetable soup, chicken fried rice, and fried chicken fillet.
This menu became a reference for Evie in providing a variety of nutritious food for Sabita. Sabita's appetite also increased because her daily menu was varied every day. "Today I cooked croquettes and vegetable soup for Sabita. For the croquettes, today I added beef so that Sabita's appetite would increase. Of all the menus taught at the Nutrition Post, Sabita likes croquette the most. If she likes it, she can ask for seconds up to three pieces in one meal," said Evie. "I'm grateful that her weight has increased now, I will continue to try to give her these foods so that Sabita can stay healthy," she continued.
In addition to being more aware of the importance of nutrient-dense intake for her child, Evie also understands that processing nutritious food is easy. Nutritious food can be made from local ingredients too. "Now I know about nutritious foods. It turns out it's around the house. I also remember all the food ingredients that must be cooked because during the Nutrition Post each parent has been assigned the task of always bringing the raw food ingredients," said Evie.
Now, Evie usually buys vegetables at a shop near her house. As for the meat or fish, Evie buys it at the market. She also gets used to scheduling grocery shopping to keep them fresh. "For Sabita, I try to make sure everything can be bought so that she always healthy," said Evie.
The change in feeding behavior that Evie experienced occurred because of her involvement in the Nutrition Post. Moreover, because the Nutrition Post activities focus more on the direct practice of making nutrient-dense food menus. Because they have tried and proven for themselves that nutritious food is not difficult to make, parents are then motivated to change their old feeding habits.
"Sabita's weight gain keeps me motivated to make nutritious menus at home. In addition, during the Nutrition Post, I was also taught how to maintain children's hygiene, for example, always wearing sandals when doing activities outside and maintaining cleanliness by washing hands. I am optimistic, if Sabita can get healthier with her weight continue to increase monthly," hoped Evie.
Author: Gloriana Seran (Zone MCHN Specialist)
Editor: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)