Eggs and Nutritious Foods Increase My Child's Weight

Risma Yani, a woman from Marawola District, Central Sulawesi, always takes her child to the posyandu (integrated health post) to ensure that her child's health is well maintained. By regularly visiting the posyandu, Risma also began to understand the benefits of eggs for children. She is also an assisted community of the Eggciting project of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI).
She began to hear about the benefits of eggs from posyandu cadres. They advise mothers with young children and pregnant women to eat eggs every day to improve the nutrition of children and pregnant women.
“My second child, Ziad, who has limitations in his development is the first experience and a big responsibility (for me) to continue to control his health. So when my child's weight goes up, although not too much, it becomes a new spirit to continue to maintain and provide nutritious food," said Risma.
By eating eggs and nutritious food, Ziad often shows weight gain. This also happened thanks to Risma's efforts to provide additional food for her eldest child.
"My child likes eating eggs and there are no allergy symptoms, so we can manage eggs every day to be consumed, because the information conveyed about the benefits of eggs is very good for families at home, and eggs are easy to get and cheap," explained the mother of two.
Because of her understanding of the benefits of eggs and the importance of checking the growth and development conditions of children at the posyandu, Risma began to be enthusiastic about participating in programs related to the benefits of eggs for children and pregnant women. Not infrequently Risma is also appointed as a resource person in various class activities for pregnant women conducted in several villages.
“Thank you to Wahana Visi Indonesia and also Beka, the posyandu cadres who have accompanied our village, especially my son who received many health benefits from every activity carried out. I hope mothers who have toddlers get the same benefits and information about the benefits of nutritious eggs for the body and can continue to bring their children to the posyandu,” she concluded with a smile.
Written by: Teguh Prasetio, PJI Proyek Eggciting Wahana Visi Indonesia