Learning through Covid-19 Posters

The Covid-19 pandemic has occurred for a year and everyone is affected, including children. For now, children have been started face-to-face learning in using a shift system (scheduling) and maintaining health protocols. Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) Sikka Program Area, supported by World Health Organization (WHO) Indonesia, continues to support children to adopt a healthy life through the distribution of poster media at schools.
The poster contains information related to cough etiquette, five actions, 10 actions of teenagers in protecting others, stop the stigma of spreading love and 3M is placed in schools. The goal is that each student can remember and practice health protocols while in school.
Covid-19 posters were not only distributed in schools assisted by WVI but to all schools in Maumere City, Sikka Regency. This was welcomed by the school authorities.
"Thank you to Wahana Visi Indonesia for caring for us, member of Talibura 1 Senior High School. Through this media, it helps us provide outreach on the prevention of Covid-19 to students and hopefully, all teachers and students will always apply health protocols," said Sunarwin, Principal of Curriculum of Talibura 1 Senior High School.
Not only the teachers who feel the benefit of the poster but the children also happy to read the information contained in it.
"Through this Cough Ethics poster, we can better know and understand the correct method or ethics of coughing, especially during a pandemic like this. So, we have to apply it right now, ”said Isabela, a student.
Maria, another student, was impressed by the existence of a poster entitled Stop Stigma Spreading Love, because, through this poster, Maria learned to always maintain a safe and peaceful relationship with others. He was also reminded not to spread news whose truth was not necessarily known.
Besides schools, WVI also distributed posters at posyandu in the assisted area of ââthe Sikka Program Area. About more than 700 posters have been distributed at schools, and more than 400 posters have been distributed to posyandu.
Written by: Herning Tyas Ekaristi, Staff of Sikka Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia