The Words That Bring Me Abroad

Program Sponsor Anak - High rates of HIV/AIDS cases in Papua Province, made Elkana Ginia (25 yo) moved from her hometown. Egi, her nickname, decided to take a scholarship at Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to find a solution for HIV/AIDS diseases.
She had not ever imagined how brave herself to look for a scholarship and went to Jiangxi, China to take an education since 2015. The support she got during her status as a sponsored child of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) made Egi grow into a brave figure who had a myriad of dreams, including being a doctor.
“I remembered when I joined the dissemination of HIV case, sexually transmitted infections and impact of alcohol drink that was held by WVI in Papua, one of the spokesperson said ‘especially for HIV/AIDS is very difficult to cure, and there is no medicine for that case, and also STIs are harmful to society’. From there, I have a willingness to major in Medicine,” said Egi.
Egi added lack of health staff in Papua brings her will as a doctor becomes bigger. Moreover, after finish her Bachelor’s Medicine later, she wants to continue her education to be a dermatologist and pediatric specialist in Europe.
“Most of the children in Papua are having malnutrition, such as children in Asmat who died with malnutrition status. That brings me into a dream to be a pediatric specialist, so I can pay attention to children's health of Indonesia, especially Papua,” Egi claimed.
According to her, getting a scholarship in Cina nor have a dream to be a specialist in Europe is only just a dream. Australia was her destination goal at the time. However, an event had changed that goal. The conversation with one of the WVI staff made her dare to continue dreaming of going to Europe someday.
“By being a sponsored child of WVI, I was increasing my knowledge and having a wide dream. I became who I am now is also because of WVI. The spirit I got from WVI staff brought me into this level of life,” she continued.
Being a sponsored child of WVI since elementary school to high school made Egi knew her abilities. Her behavior gradually changes and makes her become a confident person.
The role of a sponsor is equally important to her. From the sponsors, Egi also began to instill her dream of being able to set her foot abroad. The letter she received from the Canadian sponsor made her excited to take her education in a better direction.
"But unfortunately, I have never met my sponsor until now," she concluded.
Now Egi is still struggling to finish his education in China. She must complete her education in 2021 as a condition of the scholarship she was carrying. With the support of family and friends, Egi believes she can provide the best for her beloved hometown, Papua.
Written by: Putri ianne Barus, Communications Officer Wahana Visi Indonesia