Rapid Response to Flood Disaster in West Kalimantan

Six WVI assisted districts in West Kalimantan are among the areas prone to flooding. With a fairly high frequency and intensity of floods, children and communities often evacuate and experience material and non-material losses. In addition to damage to goods, routine activities such as school and health services are also disrupted. In flood conditions, children and communities are also exposured to infectious diseases because sanitation facilities are not functioning.
In May 2024, Landak and Kubu Raya Districts experienced floods due to very high rainfall. The flood submerged houses and stopped learning activities. Children had to evacuate to the homes of residents who were not affected by the flood. With water reaching a height of almost one meter, children and communities also had difficulty accessing clean water.
Working with the local government, BPBD, and partners, WVI responded to this flood disaster by carrying out disaster response. The needs and protection of children and communities in flood conditions are a priority. In this disaster response, WVI distributed hygiene kits and cleaning kits. In addition to aid packages, children and communities also received clean water distribution that they could use for their daily needs.
This disaster response was successfully implemented quickly thanks to the support of donors who are committed through the Child Sponsorship program. In addition to carrying out transformative development programs, regular donations from each sponsor can also be used to support children and communities when disasters occur. Through this disaster response in Landak and Kubu Raya Districts, 1,286 children and 1,761 adults received benefits and were able to return to their activities in a safe, healthy, and clean condition.
Author: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)