Responsible to The Congregation

The Covid-19 pandemic is bringing changes to the lives of families and communities. Society is faced with new habits that are different from normal times. Besides, parenting is also important considering that children and their parents spend more time together at home. However, problems also arise with the new normal. There are still many people who do not understand Covid-19 and how to prevent it. Parents are also confused about how to raise children amid during the pandemic.
Based on the situation, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) held Training on Parenting with Love in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic for religious leaders. One of the religious leaders involved in the training is Ham (41 years), an Imam (leader of the congregation) at the Al-Taqwa Mosque, Nanga Agur Village, Meragun Village, Sekadau Regency.
“I was asked by the Village Head to participating in the Parenting with Love training. At first, I was confused about why WVI was doing activities with religious leaders because as far as I know WVI was mostly involved in direct activities with children and also encouraged residents to have healthy latrines in the village,” said Ham.
Confusion did not prevent Ham from being involved in the Parenting with Love training. He learned about Five Love Languages and basic information about Covid-19, then he did dissemination to the congregation of Al-Taqwa Mosque about Covid-19 basic information.
The training also giving a good impact on Ham's family as well as on him personally.
“My wife and I are now more able to have self-control in raising children. We are no longer easily angry with our children. We are more patient. We try to do good parenting, starting with our own families first,” said Ham.
Ham, who used to be a Bilal in charge of cleaning the mosque, has been trusted by the congregation to become an imam (leader of the congregation) in 2020. The training that he participated in with WVI was the first training. It is his responsibility for this training to return to share it with people and people who have believed in him.
"Despite my background, I feel appreciated and thankful for the responsibility and the trust that has been given to me. I am happy that I can get more knowledge and share it with other people,” Ham revealed.
Written by: Bastian Rengga, Area Program Manager Sekadau Wahana Visi Indonesia